Thursday, September 10, 2009

Magazine Advertisement: "Not Yet Rain"

This advertisement for a documentary film about the "hidden global health tragedy" of unsafe abortions effectively communicates both the subject of the film and spirit in which it was made. The earthy but intense orange and yellow hills evoke the landscape of Africa at sunset . A solitary figure (in black silhouette) carries a basket or pail on her head as she walks along the grass (also in black). Just above the figure's head, the title of the film appears in a large and bold "handwritten" font that serves to emphasize the grassroots nature of the film's subject. The title in the upper left is balanced by the producer's logo (standing out in white against a black background) in the bottom right. The text describing the film is simple and easy to read as it alternates between regular and bold text blocks in a sans-serif font.

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